The practice of hydroponics gardening is not new. In fact, some historians contend that irrigation and hydroponic techniques were well-known to the Ancient Chinese and Egyptians.
The number of cannabis growers converting from soil to hydroponic setups has increased recently, nevertheless. Although not very forgiving, these soilless techniques have the potential to give greater harvests in less time.
New growers must carefully choose which strain to plant before experimenting with this growing technique because hydroponics has a steeper learning curve. When growing your herbs hydroponically, choosing the appropriate hybrid at the beginning could save you a lot of trouble.
Which are the Best Seeds for Hydroponics?
Start with strains with strong genetics since hydroponics systems are less forgiving than soil. Although there isn’t a single hybrid that is ideal for hydroponics, cultivars that are user-friendly for beginners frequently perform well in these systems.
In general, look for cannabis strains with moderate difficulty when buying hydroponics cannabis seeds. Your chances of success should rise as a result of this easy method.
What is Marijuana Grown in Hydroponics for?
The term hydroponic, which literally translates to “water-working,” refers to growing plants without the need for soil. It is derived from the Greek terms “hydro,” which means water, and “ponos,” which means labour.
There are many different hydroponic systems available, but none of them uses soil as the primary growing medium. Instead, these systems provide the roots of the cannabis plant with everything they require using water, air bubbles, and store-bought fertilisers.
To stabilise roots, some hydroponic systems also use pH-corrected inert media. Among the most frequently utilised inert items are Rockwool, coco coir, and clay pebbles.
In hydroponic systems, the roots are exposed, which allows them to absorb nutrients more quickly. On the plus side, since there is no soil to act as a barrier, plants will develop more swiftly as a result. There is less tolerance for error because there isn’t as much “buffer space,” though.
An overview of the most well-liked cannabis hydroponic systems is provided below:
- Deep water culture: involves putting plant roots in contact with still, oxygen-depleted water in a bucket.
- Ebb and flow: At regular intervals, water and nutrients from a reservoir push through containers containing cannabis.
- Drip irrigation: roots of cannabis plants suspended in containers made of inert materials get nutrient-rich water that “drips” into them.
- Aeroponics: Cannabis strains grown with aeroponics are periodically misted with nutrient-rich spritz while inside chambers.
How does Hydroponically Growing Cannabis Work?
Cannabis can be grown hydroponically in a similar way as soil, although it takes more effort from the grower.
Whatever hydroponic method you employ, it won’t be able to conceal errors as effectively as soil. To guarantee that their girls grow well and healthily, hydroponics growers need to take extra care with variables like pH level, temperature, and nutrient feeding.
In general, hydroponics growers need to keep the pH of the water between 5.5 and 5.8. Additionally, the water temperature must be at or below 68° F, while the ambient temperature must stay between 73° and 83° F.
You must keep an eye out for any indications of algae in the water. In light of the fact that water in a Deep Water Culture system doesn’t constantly circulate, this is particularly true.
It’s crucial to spend money on macro and micronutrients for your flowers while using hydroponics. You’ll need to replenish your reservoir on a frequent basis because plants can’t absorb as many nutrients from plain water.
Just be careful to resist the urge to feed your plants too much. Although hydroponic systems require more nutrients, it’s still preferable to underfeed than to run the risk of “nutrient burn.”
Do Hydroponics-Specific Cannabis Seeds need to be used?
There aren’t “specific seeds” for hydroponics; some strains may do better in hydroponic systems. Any hydroponics system will allow you to cultivate any cannabis kind.
Your comfort level with growing a certain cannabis strain is the primary success factor. You can find it easier to adapt to a new hydroponics system if you have a lot of experience with a particular hybrid.
Should you use Hydroponics or Soil to Cultivate Cannabis?
The advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics over soil cultivation are constantly under discussion. But most growers concur that hydroponics has a steeper learning curve. Therefore, it’s definitely advisable to master your preferred strains on the soil if you’re new to growing cannabis before experimenting with hydroponics.
While hydroponics typically rewards producers with quicker and greater yields, they also need more meticulousness. Additionally, compared to a do-it-yourself soil grow, maintaining hydroponics is typically more expensive.
Naturally, if you want to benefit from quicker growing times, you can still use hydroponics right away. Simply keep an eye on the specifications of your grow area to ensure success.
Although hydroponics is more complex than soil growing, it is the best choice for indoor growers seeking a higher return on investment. Additionally, “control freak” growers frequently prefer modifying variables in hydroponics as opposed to soil, including fertilisers. It pays to learn more about hydroponic cultivation if you want to attain the highest cannabis yields. Hydroponics will always reward growers with the fastest and fattest flowers, yet soil-based growing techniques can still produce outstanding yields.