
The paper comes from France and is really ultra thin so that the taste of the herbs is not affected. The paper packs are printed with the quirky but even cooler members of the Lion Rolling Circus.

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Rolling Papers


Lion Rolling Circus Papers KS Slim – Silver

AS BIG THE JOINT. AS BIG IS THE ADVENTURE. That’s the motto of LION ROLLING CIRCUS® . And enhance the adventure with BIG SMOKE ULTRA THIN ROLLING PAPERS. Big Smoke stands here for the King Size format. The paper comes from France and is really ultra thin so that the taste of the herbs is not affected. The papers are great to roll and burn very slowly and evenly. The adhesive seam is made of certified natural gum. Chlorine-free bleached European paper, with iridescent packaging and vegetable inks: perfectly friendly and respectful with the environment.

Like all our papers, it does not carry a watermark, maintaining the natural porosity of the material for an impeccable roll. It’s the thinnest paper you will find, only 12 grams. Ideal for demanding: less paper, more flowers. The paper packs are printed with the quirky but even cooler members of the circus ensemble, namely Edgar Allan, Ruby, Sexy Sadie, Tora Tora, Silverfuck & Jellybelly and Mr. Trampoline. Behind each of these characters is a very unique adventure in life – where is your journey heading?

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