Is marijuana a depressant or a stimulant? 

Marijuana, also known as weed, is a substance that many people use recreationally. Others, on the other hand, utilise it medicinally to treat symptoms of chronic illnesses, amongst others. However, some people may be concerned about marijuana’s depressive properties and may be asking, is marijuana a depressant?  In this article, we’ll look at several types of drugs, such as depressants, […]

How much CBD dosage should I take?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is gaining popularity as a result of its numerous health advantages and non-intoxicating qualities (most CBD products contain less than 0.3 per cent tetrahydrocannabinol or THC). As research on CBD’s usefulness, particularly for pain management, advances, more people are incorporating it into their daily wellness routines. Cannabidiol is available in a variety of forms, including oils, gummies, vapes, […]

Grow Weed: A step-by-step guide

Are you ready to grow weed but do not know where to start? Have you been searching all over the internet only to find way too many articles with too much to read? Don’t worry – this will not be one of those long never-ending articles. We promise we’ll be quick and straight to the point.  Learn how to grow […]

CBD Oil – Benefits, Uses & Side-Effects

CBD oil in Malta has been legalised with the new cannabis law in the country. This means that it is perfectly legal to buy CBD products online and in stores like dietary supplements, bath products, food and drinks.  Cannabidiol, commonly known as its abbreviated version CBD, is a chemical compound that is found in the cannabis sativa plant. When applied […]

Is this the beginning of a price crash for medical cannabis?

The price for a medical cannabis strain drops to €10 a gram in Malta This just in…a medical cannabis distributor has reduced the cost of a Weeco’s White Widow hybrid, a specific strain of medical cannabis. The strain has been reduced to €10/gram ‘in a move which makes it the lowest-priced medical cannabis in the local market’, according to  […]

Should CBD become part of your wellness routine?

If there’s one thing that the pandemic has taught us (and we hope that it has taught you plenty of things!) is that we should take our mental health and wellness seriously. Just recently, it was not uncommon for mental health issues to be brushed under the carpet or talked about in whispers between friends and family. However, the Covid-19 […]

What’s the difference between CBD and THC?

Although both CBD and THC are cannabinoids derived from the cannabis plant, they are different in many ways. Let’s cut to the chase…THC is defined by what cannabis makes you feel while with CBD, its effects cannot be felt. Unlike THC, CBD will not intoxicate you, on the contrary, it is commonly used for pain management purposes.  CBD can also […]

Top Cannabis Mistakes to Avoid – Part 2

If you landed on this blog, we’re assuming (and also hoping!) that you read the first part of this series. Don’t worry if you didn’t catch our last blog – you can go back and read more cannabis mistakes to avoid after you go through this list! That way, you will be sure to avoid most of the common mistakes […]

Top Cannabis Mistakes to Avoid – Part 1

Even if you have been smoking weed for a very long time, you have probably made some of the below weed mistakes that we will be mentioning here. Every smoker, whether beginner or professional, can learn a thing or two from this article. We think that there is no better time to be a cannabis lover than the present. Malta […]

How to make your weed last longer

Is your weed running out faster than you would like it to? Then, it’s time to take stock, assess your options, and figure out the best way forward for your cannabis needs. There are a few things that you can do to deal with a low supply of cannabis. In this article, we will divulge everything that you need to […]

Pain Clinic director charged with trafficking cannabis

Magistrate highlights conflicting drug-related laws as doctor was charged with trafficking cannabis  A classic case of a conflict in the current laws that relate to regulating asset freezing in cannabis-related cases. This was pointed out, late last week in court, as police arraigned Paola’s Pain Clinic’s medical director.  Marshal Mallia, Drugs Squad Inspector arraigned Dr. Andrew Agius before magistrate Victor […]

CBD and Psoriasis…can it work?

Psoriasis is a disorder with no known cure. This keeps psoriasis sufferers always on the lookout for remedies to manage and ease their symptoms. People are now turning to more natural remedies, including cannabinoids like CBD, to help alleviate painful conditions and inflammation. Cannabidiol (CBD) has been frequently recognised for its potential health benefits. This includes mental health benefits such […]

The Good Life Cycle of Marijuana Plants

One of the most precious things about growing marijuana yourself is watching it grow. The cannabis growth cycle might be a long one so you will have to be patient with it. Growing from a single seed into an enormous plant is a huge deal! Unique changes to the plant represent the weed plant stages and that is what we’re […]

Choosing Cannabis Seeds for the Best Healthy Plants

One of the earliest and most important decisions that you will make as a beginner grower is choosing which cannabis seeds to use. Although it might seem like a small step, a good seed contains the essential ingredients for a healthy, potent plant in the future.  The tricky part is that there is a lot of information out there and […]

All You Need to Know About The Best Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds

What are the benefits of autoflowering cannabis seeds? We’ll help you find out!  In some shape or form, if you’re in the cannabis world, you will have probably heard the term autoflowering mentioned before since this is a popular topic in the industry, especially among beginner growers. Let’s get into it. What is autoflowering? Autoflowering cannabis seeds are linked to […]

Covid-19 and Cannabis – The Positive & Negative Impacts

A new study in Oregon has stirred quite a number of rumours about Covid-19 and cannabis…but what’s true and what are, just that…rumours? Let’s find out! While many cannabis users claim that smoking weed has helped them fight off various infections and viruses, one needs to be more specific and scientific when it comes to medical claims. A new study […]

What are the best Marijuana fertilisers and nutrients?

There’s a lot of good stuff out there but which are the best fertilisers and nutrients to use for your weed? Which ones will get you the biggest yields and healthiest plants? With Malta’s latest legalisation of recreational cannabis, Maltese growers can legally grow their own plants. That is why you will need to learn all about fertilisers and finding […]

The Best Benefits of Marijuana for the Community

Marijuana offers a wide range of benefits from growth, and medicine, to the economy Looking into the benefits of legalising marijuana around the world also leads to showing the benefits that cannabis has on the modern social and economic situation. Cannabis is a plant that is willing to aid everyone in the community. For starters, marijuana is a product that […]

7 Tips for Growing Eco-Friendly Cannabis

As more and more people and businesses are entering the cannabis cultivation sphere, especially with Malta having legalised cannabis for recreational use, it’s important to note that the cannabis industry is famous for consuming a lot of water and electricity. However, there are ways to escape this if you’re looking into becoming a cannabis grower. You do not have to […]

Cannabis is Officially Legal!

The moment that we have all been waiting for is officially here…cannabis is legal for recreational use in Malta and Gozo! President George Vella Signs the Legal Bill President George Vella has officially signed the cannabis bill, making it into a law. The legal notice was uploaded on Saturday 18th December, which specifies that the law now allows marijuana for […]

Malta’s Cannabis Bill Approved!

Malta becomes the first country in Europe to legalize cannabis for personal use. It’s finally happening, and we are here to wish you a very green Christmas! The moment that all cannabis lovers have been waiting for is here. Malta is now officially one step away from becoming the first European country to legalise cannabis for personal use. Yesterday Malta […]

CBD Oil and Other Products to be Legalised

CBD products such as face creams, shampoos, and others will be able to freely circulate on the island. We finally have the confirmation that we need…Malta will completely legalise CBD oil and other products made from cannabis-derived compounds once the weed reform bill passes into law. Here’s what Malta’s Reforms Minister Owen Bonnici had to say Owen Bonnici, Reforms Minister, […]

Cannabis Legalization Getting Closer to the Final Stage

It’s beginning to look a lot like Malta will pass a landmark cannabis reform bill into law before the festive season. We just might make it before Christmas… Late last week, the bill passed its second reading in Parliament, with all the government MPs voting in favour of the bill and all the opposition MPs voting against the bill. Opposition […]

Can Marijuana be considered as a Gateway Drug?

Marijuana is often called a ‘gateway drug’. In the 1980s, US President Raegan’s administration popularised the theory that cannabis use is the bridge – or gate – leading to the use of harder drugs. Do Gateway Drugs lead to Addiction, and is Marijuana one of them? What is a Gateway Drug? A gateway drug is a term that is often […]

Are Bugs Harmful to Your Cannabis Plants?

Whether you’re growing cannabis indoors or outdoors, bugs are common. That is why it is important to know which ones are harmful and which are harmless. Bugs and pests might get in your home in a few different ways. You might actually be the first carrier for transferring bugs to your cannabis plants. It’s very common for bugs to get […]

How to cure Marijuana to have the best buds

What does curing weed mean? You’ll find out soon enough! Have you ever heard of the term ‘curing’ weed? Well, if you haven’t, you’ve come to the right place! Curing marijuana buds is the process of removing bacteria for long-term storage. Needless to say, this process happens to be one of the most important steps after harvesting and trimming the […]

10 Successful Marijuana Users Throughout History

From Snoop Dogg to Oprah Winfrey…discover more! Although in Malta, we have a long way to go when it comes to stereotyping marijuana users, across the world, the stoner stereotype is starting to ease off a little bit. Especially when such lists are published of iconic world leaders and singer-songwriters who have come out as smokers. We are sure that […]

The Difference Between Indica and Sativa

Indica, Sativa and Hybrid. What’s the difference between these three distinct weed groups? When browsing through cannabis strains, you may notice that these strains are broken up into three groups: indica, sativa, and hybrid. However, most consumers do not know the difference between these groups. That’s why we’re here! Understanding the basics of Indica and Sativa When consumers think of […]

How Long do Marijuana Edibles Stay in Your System?

Marijuana edibles affect every individual differently. However, most people can expect edibles to stay in their system for around 3-12 days. In this article, we will let you know everything that you need to know about Marijuana edibles, including how they might affect you. What are cannabis edibles? Marijuana edibles are essentially food products that have cannabinoids in them. However, […]

The latest cannabis legalisation laws in Malta

Up to Seven Grams Allowance and Cannabis Associations Allowed Marijuana smokers rejoice! There’s more new news for you today! Reforms Minister, Owen Bonnici, announced new cannabis laws this morning in a press conference about the reform. Among other revelations, marijuana smokers will be able to carry up to seven grams of weed on them and grow up to four plants […]

The Best & Most Common Cannabis Mutations

Have you ever heard of ducksfoot cannabis? Or maybe the whorled phyllotaxy? The cannabis plant that we know, and love has a few interesting mutations. How do Cannabis mutations happen? Cannabis mutations happen when a plant’s DNA is altered. All the genetic information needed to make a plant, what it is, can be found in its DNA. Specifically, there are […]

Terpenes; Growing The Best Aromatic Weed

Let’s discover what are terpenes and all the different types of terps! It is a common fact that no two cannabis strains are the same and this adds to the cerebral experience of it all. However, what causes this difference in taste and aroma from one strain to the next? The answer is terpenes. What are Terpenes? Terps are the […]

An Update on Malta’s Cannabis Reform Bill

There were a few mentions in the news with regards to the cannabis reform bill this week. We’re here to bring you the latest updates. There has been some good news for the cannabis community this week! The long-awaited bill to reform the island’s cannabis laws is set to be published in October, after the Parliament reconvenes. This was confirmed […]

Medical Cannabis in Malta

How it came to be legal and the benefits of medical cannabis in Malta Not too long ago, in the year 2018 to be exact, Malta made the step to legalise cannabis for medical use. Upon this legalisation, Malta applied to import 15 kilos of cannabis for medical purposes. The amendments to the Drug Dependence Act (Treatment not Imprisonment) were […]

Weed Plants: The Best Watering Process

Apart from needing appropriate sunlight and soil to grow in, cannabis plants need plenty of water After the release of the Maltese government white paper, people in Malta will be allowed to cultivate up to four weed plants for their own personal, exclusive, and recreational use. These plants will have to be grown in a space that is not visible […]

Cannabis Plant: How Soon Can You Tell the Sex?

Male or Female…how can you tell? Discover how you can determine the good from the bad in your cannabis plants Plants can reproduce in multiple ways, but the most common method is sexual reproduction. Angiosperms are plants that reproduce sexually with seeds and, approximately 80% of green plants are angiosperms, including our beloved cannabis plants. Types of Cannabis Plants Hermaphrodite […]

Best Cannabis Plants: How can you Clone them?

Learn the how and the why of cloning your cannabis plants Firstly, let’s determine the definition of cloning. A clone is a cutting that is cut off a living weed plant, which will then grow into an actual plant itself. A close is made up of the same genetic makeup as the cannabis plant itself, which we will refer to […]

All You Need to Know about Cannabis Plant Growth

All you need to know about the stages of marijuana plant growth Cannabis plants evolve during different stages as they grow and mature and these growth stages require a specific method of care that might be different from the rest, including light, nutrients, and water. If you are planning on growing your own cannabis plants for recreational use, it is […]

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Weed Indoors

Before you get your hands dirty, learn the correct way how to grow cannabis indoors. With Malta announcing its cannabis reformation laws, people on the Maltese Islands will soon have their own take on growing weed, specifically for their own recreational use. The cannabis plants will have to be grown in a space that is not visible to the public […]

Cannabis Users Stigma: How Malta is Willing to Change This

Stigmatisation from society and the measures that Malta is taking to minimise this. Cannabis is one of the world’s most commonly used recreational drugs. More and more countries and local governments have taken the step to legalise its use, both for medical and enjoyment purposes. However, cannabis users are still dealing, on a regular basis, a high level of stigmatisation […]

CBD Oil for Dogs – The Best Things You Need to Know

What is CBD oil and how can it help your dog with seizures and other medical issues? Man’s best friend deserves nothing but the best. There are a lot of theories, research and information floating around the internet about CBD oil for dogs. Of course, any dog owner has the right to research and feel well-informed on the matter before […]

Happy 420!

The 20th of April, nicknamed 420 or 4/20, may not yet be so familiar to the masses in Malta, but over the years has become a globally recognised counterculture holiday amongst Cannabis enthusiasts to celebrate the use of this alternative medicine. Marijuana, ‘ħaxixa”, ‘weed’, ‘grass’, ‘ganja’ and ‘herb’ are just some other names used for the psychoactive drug that’s made […]

After Dimech was fired, former Caritas director Leonid McKay will lead the Cannabis Authority

After the previous chairman of the cannabis authority revealed she had been fired from her position, Leonid McKay, a former director of Caritas, will be selected to lead the organisation. Mariella Dimech announced her dismissal in a statement early on Friday. She claimed that she had to deal with ‘no functional office, no staff, no budget and a political strategy […]

Mariella Dimech, now former chair of the Cannabis Authority, says her job was terminated

The new cannabis authority’s executive chairperson, psychotherapist Mariella Dimech, has been fired. Despite the absence of a statement from the government, Dimech said that the Home Affairs Ministry informed her on Thursday that her position was being terminated with immediate effect. In an interview with Times of Malta, Mariella claims that ‘Over the last 10 months, I have worked with […]

What Distinguishes Cannabis, Marijuana, Hemp, CBD & THC?

One of the most popular and rapidly-growing wellness trends right now is cannabis. Cannabis, formerly connected to bongs and hacky sacks, has entered the mainstream of natural medicine with good cause. According to research, cannabis may be helpful in treating a number of neurological and mental health conditions, such as epilepsy, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. It has also become well […]

Rules to Follow When Choosing Cannabis Seeds

Are you a novice cannabis grower? Or perhaps you’re a seasoned grower looking for new genetics. Here, we offer three key groups to concentrate on while hunting for a new strain. Then, we go into further detail about the weed strains ideal for various occasions, such as wakes and bakes, parties, and quiet nights at home. You know how perplexing […]

What can you do with Male Cannabis Plants?

Some cannabis growers have a widespread misconception that male cannabis plants are useless. Yes, smoking a male is prohibited (you could try, but the results wouldn’t be fantastic). But if you’re growing marijuana, you’re probably growing female plants since they’re the ones that produce the high-demand cannabis buds that the majority of us are seeking. However, this does not imply […]

The Top Cannabis Seeds for Hydroponics Growing

The practice of hydroponics gardening is not new. In fact, some historians contend that irrigation and hydroponic techniques were well-known to the Ancient Chinese and Egyptians. The number of cannabis growers converting from soil to hydroponic setups has increased recently, nevertheless. Although not very forgiving, these soilless techniques have the potential to give greater harvests in less time. New growers […]

Can Cannabis (Medical Marijuana) Be Used to Treat Arthritis Pain?

Despite the fact that the majority of the scientific evidence has come from lab or animal studies, many patients have reported anecdotally that medical marijuana helps them with their arthritic pain. Research is currently being done on cannabis’ potential benefits for treating pain as well as other conditions like anxiety and sleep disorders. Keep reading to learn more about the […]

5 Essential Advice for New Cannabis Smokers

If this is your first time using marijuana/cannabis, you may have already read thousands of articles about it. The most typical queries are as follows: In actuality, no two people have the same experience, and that is what makes it so beautiful. Cannabis has varying effects on different people, and for some first-time users, it has no effect at all. […]

A Guide to Storing Cannabis Seeds

Although it’s not difficult to preserve cannabis seeds correctly, novice growers should be especially conscious of a number of important factors. Light, temperature, humidity, and seed storage techniques are important maintenance elements. Don’t freak out if this appears like a minefield! We’ll go through the major dos and don’ts of storage in this article, not just the hows but also […]

Things to Know Before Growing Autoflowering Cannabis

Regardless of the lighting schedule, Autoflowering cannabis plants are “day neutral” and will begin flowering as soon as they are old enough, in contrast to ordinary “short-day” cannabis plants that require a daily long dark time to induce flowering. This article will tackle the things you need to know before growing your own auto-flowering cannabis. All cannabis plants that auto-flower […]

How has the use of Cannabis changed over time?

Cannabis Cannabis, generally known as marijuana or pot, has been used by humans for a very long time. The majority of ancient societies grew the plant as herbal medicine, most likely beginning in Asia around 500 BC, rather than to get high. The first colonists in America who produced hemp for textiles and rope are responsible for the history of […]